Senior Services

According to the Administration on Aging, home-delivered meals are often the first in-home service that an older adult receives. Martha’s Senior Gourmet provides senior services in the form of meal preparation, meal planning, meals supporting special dietary requirements, and meal delivery. 

Senior who are not ready for full senior care service have very limited options when it come to gourmet healthy meal delivery service. Yes they can order frozen meals to be shipped to them, or they can opt for the often not tasty city and community runs programs.
Older adults want choice and flexibility when considering senior dining. Martha’s Senior Gourmet invites you to try amazing food and exciting menus. You should expect more from your dining experience. You should choose what you eat and when you eat. 

Martha’s Senior Gourmet offers an alternative in the senior services and senior care arenas by providing high quality meals, utilizing fresh ingredient that are cooked daily and delivered to our customers while they are still hot. Think of it as gourmet meals on wheels service that is affordable, accessible, and flexible to accommodate your dietary requirements. 

Martha’s Monitoring Service  is another level of elder care, it allows families to get regular updates on their loved ones conditions and be on top if added senior care and services are required. We provide access to experts in elder care that can provide suggestions and senior care solutions should additional senior services are required.